Sunday, December 29, 2019
Students Test Hyperloops Viability
Students Test Hyperloops Viability Students Test Hyperloops Viability When Elon Musk first proposed the Hyperloop, a tubular transportation system capable of moving people and freight at speeds nearing the speed of sound, the concept welches met with interest from intrigued engineers and head scratching by many others. Despite skepticism over feasibility and costs, the futuristic system now is taking its first steps forward. SpaceX, the Musk-owned firm that entwurfs, builds, and launches rockets for space exploration, is building a mile-long test tube at its California headquarters, another private firm is building a scaled-down test track in Nevada, and kollektivs of students from universities across the U.S. and abroad have designed test pods they hope will prove the concept.A team of graduate students that includes engineers of various disciplines and MBA candidates from Massachusetts Institute of Technology now stands in the front of transportation development, having won an inte rnational competition to design the first Hyperloop test pods. The bullet-shaped pod is kusined on passive magnetic levitation technology capable of speeding along at a whopping 110 meters per second with a hydraulic braking mechanism that uses wheels at the front and either side of the pod.A rendering of MITs Hyperloop pod design. Image MIT Hyperloop TeamFundamentally, the purpose was to demonstrate high-speed levitation technology that even at a small scale could be made more efficient than rail, says team member Sabrina Ball. The key constraints were that the pod had to fit within the tube being built for the test track, and conforming to rules set by SpaceX. The pod was built around levitation and braking, she says.Chris Merian, the teams chief engineer, says they investigated three technologies on which to base the pod air bearings, and active and passive magnetic levitation. We wanted air bearings, he says of the technology that allows air hockey pucks to glide over a table, b ut switched to magnetic levitation when SpaceX released the final competition parameters. Because of time constraints, We wanted simplicity and the ability to conform with the track, he adds.Discarding air bearings created one problem no one on the team had any experience or even knowledge about magnets. We had to learn magnets from scratch, says Merian.MIT Hyperloop Team. Image Nargis Sakhibova / MIT Hyperloop TeamOrganizationMITs team came together from two separate groups, each working on the project without knowing about the other. I started with friends in the mechanical engineering department, notes Ball. At the same time, another group in the aeronautics and astronautics department began their own work in parallel with the MEs. The two got together with the idea of using the Aeroastro students knowledge of air bearings for the design and the MBA students business expertise for fundraising and marketing. Working from October, they put together the design for the competitionand then changed it using magnetsthat was judged in January.The team opted to utilize SpaceXs propulsion system, similar to a catapult that launches jet fighter planes from an aircraft carrier. That freed up space within the pod and made it lighter. For the test, the pod does not include passenger or payload compartments. The 250-kilogram pod should be accelerated at 24G to a maximum speed of 110 meters per second, according to the teams statement.The magnetic levitation system incorporates two arrays of 20 neodymium magnets over two meters, the largest of which will measure 4 x 4 x 1/2 inches, says Merian. The pod will reach and maintain a 15-millimeter levitation gap at cruising speed and a peak lift-to-drag ratio of 14. To maintain lateral control and keep the pod centered, it will be fitted with passive magnets and active electromagnetic damping. In case of emergency the pod, to be fabricated with woven carbon fiber and polycarbonate sheets, has a self-drive system that can move fo rward and backward at one meter per second using low-speed drive wheels.RedesignSince the judging in late January, the team was thrown a curve when SpaceX track requirements forced a redesign of the braking system. The test track will consist of an aluminum plate with an I-beam running down the center. Merian says they had planned a hydraulic braking system, and expected to attach some type of brass braking material to the I-beam. SpaceX, however, insisted the beam could not be damaged and the students had to rethink the brakes when they could not guarantee it would not damage the beam.The student designers moved to an eddy current system using magnetic calipers placed over the flange to generate drag. Like many items being developed for the pod, it required a learning curve. Their biggest issue now is finding an actuator large enough to handle lateral forces, says Merian. The brakes also require purchasing another 100 magnets, adding about $5,000 to the cost. But the biggest cost i ncrease is tied to sensors that measure the gap height of the levitating pod. Merian says the team needs ten, each costing about $1,000.The next challenge for the team is to build the pod in time for testing that is scheduled to begin at SpaceXs Hawthorne, CA, one-mile test loop. The effort will cost a little more than $100,000, which the team hopes will come mostly from corporate sponsors and alumni. They will compete against 22 other student teams that made the final cut at the competition judging, held at Texas AM University.Designing may prove a bit easier in some ways than building the pod. The team used CAD and a wide variety of software from mechanical, electrical and aeronautical disciplines, says Ball. With almost all the tools, someone had used them or had an experience to some degree, says Merian. The team also drew on advisors and sponsors for feedback to specific questions.Fabricating the pod will draw on other skills. Most of the manufacturing is machining, says Merian , adding that team members will be able to use equipment at local machine shops after business hours. He expects team members to do the work themselves as the design of the pod and its parts emphasized simplicity. For Further Discussion We wanted simplicity and the ability to conform to the track. We had to learn magnets from scratch.Chris Merian, Team Chief Engineer
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
10 reasons your resume isnt getting you interviews
10 reasons your resume isnt getting you interviews 10 reasons your resume isnt getting you interviews If youre sending out lots of resumes without getting many calls for interviews, its time to conclude that your resume isnt doing its job.If youre like most people, youre making at least a few of these mistakes which will put your resume promptly in the no pile.1. Its generic.If your resume reads just like dozens of other candidates, no employer is going to call you. Your resume needs to convey that youre an exceptional candidate, not just an average one whos no different from other applicants. Which leads us to2. It just lists duties and responsibilities, not accomplishments.In a job market thats flooded with candidates, a resume that reads like a series of job descriptions wont excite a hiring manager. Whatwillexcite a hiring manager is a resume that shows a track record of achievement, so you need to list specific accomplishments, not just duties.3. Its full of dense paragraphs ra ther than bulleted lists.Employers will only skim your resume initially, not read it word-for-word, and large blocks of text are hard to skim. An employer will take in more information about you if you use simple bulleted points.4. It leads with your education, even though youve been out of school for more than a few years.Generally your education should go beneath your work experience, because generally employers are most interested in what work experience youve had. Leading with your education just buries what will make most attractive to an employer.5. It doesnt include the dates of employment for each job youve held.Employers want to know how long you were at each job, and when. Resumes with clear dates are an immediate red flag that make hiring managers suspect youre hiding something.6. It wastes space on things that are irrelevant, like descriptions of your employers business.Some candidates devote two to three lines per job to describing the employer itself its size and the nature of its business. Hiring managers might want that information when you move to the interview stage, but your resume isnt the place for it. Your resume should focus on you, and you alone.7. Its not specific.Employers want concrete specifics. Its not enough to say that you revitalized a department or publicized a program. What exactly did you do and what did it result in?8. It includes everything youve ever done, rather than just the highlights. The longer your resume is, the less likely an employer is to see the parts you want them to see. The initial scan of your resume is about 20 seconds - do you want that divided among three pages, or do you want it focused on the most important things you want to convey? Short and concise means that employers are more likely to read the parts you most care about.9. It includes irrelevant details, such as your age or your childrens names. Yes, people really do this. Employers dont care about these details, and including them will come acro ss as nave and unprofessional.10. It describes you in subjective terms.Your resume is for experience and accomplishments only. Its not the place for subjective traits, like great leadership skills, strong writer, or creative innovator. Hiring managers generally ignore anything subjective that an applicant writes about herself, because so many peoples self-assessments are wildly inaccurate theyre looking for provable facts. If you have those traits, list the accomplishments that demonstrate them instead.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The 3 things the worlds most successful people do every day
The 3 things the worlds most successful people do every dayThe 3 things the worlds most successful people do every dayPurpose is that feeling that you are part of something bigger than yourself, that you are needed, and that you have something better ahead. Purpose is what creates true happiness. - Mark ZuckerbergEveryone is looking for that magic formula or neatly prescribed list that lays out all the secrets of how to get exactly what you want. Ive learned through my experience that it simply doesnt exist. Everyones path to success is different, and in reality, there are hundreds of things that each individual follows that get them from point A to point B.But thats not to say there arent commonalities or particular attributes that each successful person follows. Ive read countless books, studied the lives of CEOs and business executives that Ive worked with first-hand, and listened to speakers at famed conferences. Ive aimed to find the ingredients that everyone shares that makes t hem successful. Ive determined that if you really want to start a successful routine, you should begin by focusing on a few things.You cant boil the ocean, as the business cliche goes - its best to set small, incremental goals on your journey toward a bigger picture goal, objective and definition of success that aligns with your personal mission ansicht. Everything should tie back to what you truly want, as well as the values and game plan that speaks to exactly what will fulfill you and give you a sense of accomplishment.Here are the three things that Ive distilled and believe add significant value to your day - no matter your location, financial status, age, gender or level in your career. I hope youll assimilate these activities and practices into your daily approach as you aim to reach new heights.1. Supercharge your mind and body at the beginning of each dayYes, this means mentally, emotionally, spiritually and of course, physically. While it would be easy to think that menta l exercises and stimulation are mora important, the research shows that exercising your mind is just as important as physical activity. What it actually comes down to is the amount of activity is more important for stimulating the brain than the font of activity, according to Harvard Medical School instructor, Dr. Scott McGinnis.In other words, consistency and repetition are paramount Dont get caught up in concerning yourself with the exactly right type of activity, or finding that panacea - because there is not just one solution. The way to supercharge your day may be watching an inspirational video in conjunction with reading 15 minutes of a great book to get you going.But it may be that one-mile run that you do when you first wake up, or those push-ups and crunches to get your blood flowing. It may be asking yourself a very simple philosophical question like Ben Franklin asked himselfWhat good shall I do this day?From there, the ideas start to flow. You can also practice meditat ion and deep-thinking in solitude, as well as exercising your faith in prayer or trust that your plans, hopes, goals and dreams will work out and that you will be fulfilled. All of these powerful routines breed confidence and self-assuredness that you will move on the right track toward accomplishing big things.Dream and give yourself permission to envision a YOU that you choose to be. - Joy Page2. Speak, write and do Focus on inspirational and positive things that reinforce your purpose and missionFirst things first - Be willing to take maximum ownership over your time. This begins by planning your day and setting goals. You dont need to plan every minute, but you must allot time for creative thinking, goal-setting and relationship-building. Without these things, you do not have the foundation that you need. Your foundation should begin with your purpose, mission and values.Defining a clear purpose for who you are and what you want to become is the surest mark of a successful lead er. When you are intentional and clear about what you want, you have already won half the battle. From there, its a matter of staying positive, exercising great discipline and rigor to adhering to the activities that support your purpose. And then, staying positive and working hard to get them.Develop a personal mission statement for yourself. Heres mineTo live each moment to the fullest by having a positive attitude, a smile and a genuine enjoyment for life, while giving everything I have to love the people and environment around me and make it a better place.Once you have clarified your intentions, start speaking and writing these things down. Tell them to people you trust. Then, go do them. You have to start somewhere, and your foundation is the best place. From there, you have a spring board that will vault you into the doing part, which is where you really go for the win.3. Dont waste time Dont waste moments Tie everything back to your responsibilities, ambitions, goals and ser ving those you loveI absolutely hate wasting time. It drives me crazy. I can barely wait sometimes for a webpage to load, and when it takes too long, I scribble ideas down on a notepad or OneNote, or think of a new activity that will add value to my life. Its not necessarily that Im unable to focus or that I lack attention - I just realize that time is the most valuable commodity. I learned this from Steve Jobs.Its time you start to integrate this belief and thinking into your repertoire.Take advantage of savoring, embracing and immersing yourself into every moment of your day. This is of course easier said than done. None of us want to embrace sitting in traffic or trying to pay attention in a boring meeting. Heck, flipping through our Instagram or Twitter is way more entertaining Maybe.But when you begin to lose focus or start frittering away time, it can have great consequences in your life. You start to value time less and less. Be present in the moment, plan your day out and B UILD IN moments that will inspire you and propel you to keep pursuing your goals. Everything should tie back to your ambitions, goals and serving those who you love.When you fill your calendar with things that you love, activities and responsibilities for people you love, and fun, new things to learn, you start empowering and driving yourself to persevere. This is critical and the secret to success for everyone from J.K. Rowling to Oprah Winfrey to Elon Musk and Denzel Washington.When you practice these three things, you simply will not be denied. What you want will be yours. Now, get to work.Find your breakthroughJoin my newsletter and check out my Amazon Bestselling book, The Value of You. This will give you inspiration to start planning for success on your journey. If you want to work with me, connect here and let me know how I can help youThis article first appeared on Medium.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
ASME Offers Recommendations to Help Advance Manufacturing in China
ASME Offers Recommendations to Help Advance Manufacturing in China ASME Offers Recommendations to Help Advance Manufacturing in China ASME Offers Recommendations to Help Advance Manufacturing in ChinaSun Zhaohua (left), the vice administrator from Chinas State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, presents a commemorative plate to ASME President Madiha El Mehelmy Kotb during the 2014 SATEC meeting. Transforming China from a country with enormous manufacturing capacity, but a focus on inexpensive merchandise, to one that produces high-value products - from big to strong manufacturing - was the overarching theme of the 2014 Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC) held last month in China.A contingent of volunteers and staff including ASME President Madiha El Mehelmy Kotb and Executive Director Thomas Loughlin participated in the event, which is a bi-yearly conference where leaders representatives from various engineering organizations and government agen cies meet to offer the Chinese government advice for developing its industrial policy. Other groups participating the 2014 SATEC meeting included the Chinese Academy of Engineering the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs the Chinese Institute of EngineersUSA the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Chinas Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Water Resources the Beijing Municipal Government the Provincial Governments of Anhui, Fujian and Hunan Province as well as the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. ASMEs delegation at the 2014 SATEC meeting (left to right) Randy Reagan, director, engineering knowledge Dr. Yang Xiaoping of the Societys Manufacturing Division Michael Michaud, managing director, ASME global alliances ASME Executive Director Thomas Loughlin ASME President Madiha Kotb Steven R. Schmid, of the University of Notre knigin Ralph Resnick of America Makes Tom Kurfess from Georgia Institute of Technology and Qiang Zhang, executiv e director of ASME Asia Pacific LLC. During the first part of the four-day meeting, the ASME Advanced Manufacturing Team, consisting of 10 ASME volunteers from the Societys Manufacturing Division, conducted inspections of four manufacturing sites in the Hunan Province. The gruppe - including experts from Ford Motor Co., General Motors, and Cummins, as well as other companies and universities - then composed a list of recommendations, which ASME President Kotb presented to Chinas Vice Premier Ma Kai and several other senior officials from various ministries during the conferences wrap-up meeting held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on May 30.Noting that the four companies inspected each exhibited notable strengths, yet significant challenges exist for each company to transform itself from big to strong in terms of manufacturing, the teams suggestions included a list of three short-term recommendations, which it called the three Ss system, smart service, and safety. Ad dressing the first S, system, the team recommended that manufacturing issues should be assessed from the product life cycle management perspective to ensure global optimization and lowest cost of ownership. Sharing the teams other two short-term recommendations, Kotb talked first about Smart Service, noting that to succeed in todays market, product design should go beyond satisfying explicitly expressed customer requirements and aggressively pursue hidden customer requirements. The smart way to identify hidden customer requirements is to leverage big data efficiently. On the subject of safety, the team stressed the importance of promoting the use of proper protection equipment, such as ear plugs and protective eyewear. The safety of the manufacturing workplace is vital.The ASME Advanced Manufacturing Teams conclusions also included three long-term recommendations to help advance manufacturing in China. First, industry should identify gaps in critical components and subsystem manufac turing, and attempt to close those gaps. Chinese companies should also prioritize protecting intellectual property and developing a smart patent strategy. Third, China should improve its research on critical manufacturing technologies in order to produce more world-class products, the team said. ASME volunteers and staff at the Great Hall of the People following the meeting with Vice Premier Ma Kai (left to right) Qiang Zhang, Yang Xiaoping, ASME President Madiha Kotb, and Randy Reagan. The theme of transitioning Chinas manufacturing industry from big to strong was also the connecting thread that ran through the one-day SATEC Forum on New Industrial Revolution and Intelligent Manufacturing, which was held on May 29 in Beijing. Organized by ASME, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and the State Administration of Foreign Affairs Experts, the Forum featured representatives from China and the United States discussing robotics, au tomation, additive manufacturing and other emerging technologies, and sharing their thoughts on the new geschftsleben models, product innovations and improved standing in the world manufacturing market that widespread adoption of intelligent manufacturing could bring to China in the future.ASME provided three speakers for the special forum, which attracted an audience of about 250 people. ASME Fellow Thomas Kurfess, professor of engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology and former Assistant Director of Advanced Manufacturing at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, presented a session on the topic Policy Issues and Technology Targets for Manufacturing in the United States of America during the forums morning program. ASME Fellow Steven Schmid, professor of engineering at the University of Notre Dame and former ASME Foundation Swanson Fellow, discussed Planning for the Future of Intelligent Manufacturing during a session that afternoon. Ralph Resnick, founding director of the National Additive Manufacturing Institute (America Makes), gave a presentation on the industrial applications of additive manufacturing and their impact on defense and aerospace later that day.Qiang Zhang, executive director of ASME Asia Pacific LLC and Michael Michaud, managing director, ASME global alliances, also represented ASME at the meeting.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Free Resume Builder and Download: No Longer a Mystery
Free Resume Builder and Download No Longer a Mystery There are many free creative resume templates youll be able to use, permitting you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. Thirdly your experience can contribute a great deal whether youre the perfect person for the post. Ultimately the decision is yours. A perfect selection for candidates with plenty of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume template. To save a good deal of heartache down the road, be sure that you use our resume builder to create a document that may be easily transferred to several job applications. It is indispensable to have a crystal clear idea about what the resume needs to include before getting started in order to produce the most effective professional resume to catch the interest of hiring managers. It is possible to customize the content to tailor your requirements. Please visit us any opportunity to access your completely free resumeyour info is easily edit ed and writing as needed. You may also hunt for salaries in various locations, which can be helpful once you negotiate your compensation. HR will be quite so impressed with your resume they might even ask how you built it. As a consequence of the employer must be hypnotized with the resume template you created. You should find out the way to create the absolute best acting resume builder you could send to the organization and provide good first impact about your self, learn it here. Do not overlook to demonstrate that you currently acquainted with the position for the precise company and inform your skill which permit you to and the organization to thrive. ur easy resume builder service does not demand advanced technical understanding, which means that you can concentrate on spending time sifting through your great achievements as you decide what things to include, as opposed to on attempting to work out the way to use our new program. The service also provides many example CVs, dependent on the business, so you are able to secure some hints and ideas concerning how your CV should look, dependent on your career path. Our resume builder wont bother you with any kind of annoying watermarks. To show yourself comprehensively, you will need to earn a proper resume. Lucidpress offers a large selection of free resume template downloads for you to pick from. Resume templates may also help you format your information when providing unique visual flair which will help your resume stand out. If youre overwhelmed by all the alternatives, you can also just use one of several excellent templates. There are many alternatives available that you customize your resume. The mixture of our templates and your input is likely to make your resume fly to the peak of any pile. Create resume here is only a fun. The program contains a spell-checker, but it lacks an integrated thesaurus to assist you vary your word choices. For those reasons listed above, you are goi ng to want to begin with a resume template. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any location in the creation practice. Fortunately, there are many publishers around whove created incredible resume templates for fast editing and formatting in Word. A great description functions as a possible organic advertisement and encourages the viewer to click through to your website. You are going to have access to the ideal help editor available. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Free Resume Builder and Download If this is the case, you require a resume (Curriculum Vitae, CV) that will truly impress your possible employer. A number of them also allow it to be simple to talk about your resume with potential employers from the site. Job interviews can be hard. The very first key is to realize how resumes are organized.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Top Andy Lap , Resume Writing Choices
Top Andy Lap , Resume Writing Choices Also, if youre able to, have someone that has lately gone through an IT job search look at your resume and offer you suggestions. Even when you havent been in school for quite a while, its still important to demonstrate your education level. Under your Work Experience heading you ought to start to your existing position or your latest job if youre not currently employed. Others might disagree with me on this, but I believe that its important to get your investment pay off in a fair time period, and that depends upon to what degree your new job will pay. Also, be certain that the samples impress you personally. Once youre in the webpage header you may choose the style you would like to use and type in your information. Again, this is merely one more technique it is possible to utilize to receive your pertinent data in your resume in the most effective way possible. Check for quality but in addition start looking for variation. The Hist ory of Andy Lap, Resume Writing Refuted In that case, a professional rewrite is vital. Proofread your resume until you know its perfect. They happily choose to purchase it. We would like to hear from you. Dont even tell just a little fib as it will gradually come back to haunt you. Having said that, professional resume writers arent the very best choice for everyone. Without a transparent target, an expert writer cant cause you to shine. Andy Lap, Resume Writing Fundamentals Explained For starters, it forces you to be ruthless about trimming the fat. Some have zero clue where to begin. Just make sure it applies to whatever job youre attempting to get. Getting you the job you desire is our joy and our small business. These individuals are interested in finding specific buzz words that show you might be qualified to obtain an interview. On your IT resume youve got to brag about yourself a small bit. You must get your resume looked at and the best method to do it is to get an eye catching design. Again, its about putting down the ideal information possible without taking up an excessive amount of space.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Why Absolutely Everybody Is Talking About Functional Vs Chronological Resume
Why Absolutely Everybody Is Talking About Functional Vs Chronological Resume The Secret to Functional Vs Chronological Resume Only new graduates with very little if any experience should list education at the start of the resume. If youre a recent graduate or have very little experience, you always have the option to set the education section ahead of the work experience section. Please note that its optional to incorporate a section describing your volunteer work. Because you dont have anything to show in your experience section and everything you have are some skills, which you want to improve or extend. Selecting the chronological resume for the appropriate reasons will impact your odds of standing out among the competition. The chronological resume is an excellent choice if someone has plenty of expertise and would like to emphasize where theyve worked before. Due to some personal conditions, youre not prepared for a complete time position at the present time. Each one can be helpful, but nonetheless, it often is dependent on what your circumstances are. Its possible to add a hyperlink to your professional website if youve got one and to your LinkedIn account too. A good Sample Resume Free with a suitable format is essential so as to catch the interest of the employer when theyre looking for prospective recruits. Infact, samples of Chronological Resume Templates can function as it is to finish a resume which could be further employed for job application purposes. The Chronological Resume Examples are an essential document for individuals who would like to land in with work. How to Find Functional Vs Chronological Resume on the Web Although some employers might ask you to submit resume references as a piece of the application procedure, others might ask after a telephone screening, face-to-face interview or before the last step in the hiring process. The recruiters might have encounter comparable resume styles with their experience, so its quite important to modify the resume template to make certain that it appears distinctive from the normal one particular. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that could assist you with your work search. You will have the ability to discover various resume samples over the internet that may greatly help you. Utilizing exactly the same keywords will help you create clear that you have what the dienst is searching for when you produce your resume. The following ideas will serve as guidelines for learning how to make a resume with the normal chronological resume format that will stick out in the application approach. 1 tool which may assist with is is Grammarly. Functional Vs Chronological Resume - the Story Job applicants should be persistent and position themselves well to go back to the work industry. Alternatively, you should list your prior jobs in a manner that showcases what you brought to every position. Resumes are an essential document in regards to applyi ng for work or a position in an organization. Since chronological resumes are an essential document, its essential to compose a nice and appropriate chronological resume that could assist the applicant to acquire the job theyve applied for. Ruthless Functional Vs Chronological Resume Strategies Exploited When most individuals are facing the dilemma of writing their resume, they think its a very simple undertaking of merely listing positions held with a work description. Its cool that youre searching for a job to have some money, but you need some difficulties with resume. Whether you seek the help of a professional, some crucial regions to consider follow. If at all possible, choose those who can discuss talents particular to the job that youre applying for. Later, you will use the very same keyword phrases to write about your previous roles. If you are searching for work you may want to take a look at my job search column. When key information becomes displayed in an organi zed manner, it attracts the interest of important individuals in a fast manner. Chronological resumes are among three common resume formats. To begin with, however, its important to comprehend why the chronological format is so common. A chronological resume is among the most common resume formats. A chronological resume is among the 3 main resume formats. Employers generally enjoy the chronological resume format as its straightforward to follow and provides the info that theyre searching for in a straightforward layout. Therefore, if youre going to get retired, and searching for employment, its far better to use other format. If it comes to resume format, all of the job seekers attempting to comprehend what resume format would suit their needs most and which would enable them to stick out from the mass of different candidates. There are several resume formats you may use to present info to employers. Since you can observe chronological resume has both advantages and cons , but should you still feel it would cover all your requirements and would let you find an interview do no hesitate to utilize it. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. Every sort of introduction comes with its education advantages and pitfalls based on the sort of job seeker youre. Even a mix of both forms can work depending upon your background and what it is you are seeking in a career shift. For instance, you can select a text-based layout with a professional look that will enable you to highlight your work experience. In general, the best method to choose which kind of resume format you should use is dependent on your experiences and the period of time youre prepared to put into each resume.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Impress Your Boss When You Work From Home - The Muse
How to Impress Your Boss When You Work From Home - The MuseHow to Impress Your Boss When You Work From Home If given the choice, most of us would likely opt for a flexible work schedule, one that enables us to balance our busy, multi-faceted lives and do our best work in the hours that make sense for us. I know I wouldThankfully, companies are listening. Organizations such as Aflac, Google, and Dell are pioneering innovative flexible work policies for large corporations. As the co-founder of my own company, Ive worked remotely since we began six years ago. When my business partner and I launched, we chose to build the kollektiv in Atlanta and commute tzu siche as often as possible from our home base in Charleston, SC. Apart from the one week per month Im in our Atlanta amtsstube, I work from home.And although many of employees do work in-office most days, several take advantage of our flexible work offering because of children, long commutes, or a simple desire to work a non-restri ctive, micromanaged schedule. As long as theyre accountable and getting their jobs done, my partners and I see no reason to place a strict office-only policy on our kollektiv. In fact, I think mora managers would be open to allowing work-from-home days so long as this is the case. If you manage to convince your boss to let you work remotely- whether for a random day you need to be home for the plumber or every Wednesday- heres how to make sure he wont regret it. 1. Honor Your Hours of AvailabilityThe two main concerns for companies considering flexible work policies are efficiency and productivity. Is the remote employee getting as much work done as when he or she is in the office? One of our employees told me she always emails her manager the hours she is working any day shes not in the office. And if she needs to step away from her computer for a long lunch or appointment, she lets them know that as well. Its key to have certain hours during which you can be trusted to work- and t o work diligently during that time.One of the advantages of working remotely, after all, is the opportunity to work free from office distractions. Use your (quiet) time wisely.2. Dont Be a BottleneckOn the days Im in Atlanta with my team, they can ask me a question, such as Whats your favorite photo for this? or What subject should we use for tomorrows email? and get an immediate answer. In turn, I expect the same kind of timely response from them when I seek input, regardless of where theyre working from. Its crucial to reply to emails and calls quickly when working out of the office, so youre not acting as a bottleneck- which can feel frustrating for the people who arent in your position. Something concise that answers their questions sooner is better than a perfectly crafted response sent later or too late. In other words, respond ASAP to your boss and colleagues, and you wont seem so far away.3. Make Time to SocializeNothing beats in-partie time for building camaraderie and a se nse of team culture. Building friendships in the office also makes work more fun. Whether you work from home full- or part-time, try to schedule some in-office visits for coffees, lunches, or check-ins to foster personal relationships at the company. Your team will be more understanding when your remote situation poses challenges for them if they know and like you. When one of our employee moved out of state due to her husbands job, we were happy to create a remote position for her because we liked her and knew her capabilities- plus, wed gotten to know her beyond the work she did, and this helped establish her as a member of our team.My prediction is that flexible work schedules will only become more commonplace as companies continue to prioritize employees lifestyle and well-being. For you, that hopefully means no more fretting each time you request a non-office day and no more feeling bad or guilty about taking regular remote days (or even asking for a full week this summer so yo u can enjoy extra time at the your familys lake house). If youre like me and really enjoy this type of flexibility, remember to keep your head up and prove to your boss and your team that youre being productive. Working from home doesnt mean slacking it means working even if it does make it easier to take advantage of a midday yoga class in between revising the latest portfolio. Photo of person working remotely courtesy of Hero Images/Getty Images.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Where are the jobs in Westchester, NY
Where are the jobs in Westchester, NYWhere are the jobs in Westchester, NYWhere are the jobs in Westchester County, New York? Thats a good question one David Newman and Robert A. Rosmarin are trying to answer for themselves and fellow residents of one of New York Citys wealthiest suburban tracts.Newman, Rosmarin and four other unemployed area residents are blogging their job search as part of LoHud.coms coverage of the Jobless Recovery. Over the next 12 weeks, reporters for LoHud, the Website of the Journal News, are also filing stories and data on employment conditions of the regions industries and profiles of successful job seekers and those still waiting to find success.The posts from the bloggers are a window into the agony many experience while unemployed.Rosmarin, of New Rochelle, worked nearly 20 years on Wall Street before he was laid off from his job as an Assistant Vice President at AllianceBernstein in 2009. He said he felt hurt and cheated by the situation he finds himse lf in.Unemployment is like a divorce and the best you can do is hope for a good settlement, said Newman, of Nyack, a lawyer who specializes in trade law and has also been unemployed since 2009.Rosmarin and Newman offer more than just despair. There are glimmers of hope, like the satisfaction they found in the success of colleagues and the anticipation that the connections or karma might lead to their own good fortune.They also share their job search tactics, like Rosmarins decision to take a temporary position last year and Newmans attempts to network with friends and former colleagues. Their tactics are a lesson in successful and unsuccessful job search approaches.At Ladders and on Career-Line, weve treated job-seeker profiles like those featured on LoHud and in the Journal News, as a way to humanize the story of unemployment and to offer instruction to the audience. Like Newman and Rosmarin, everyones tale is unique and complex, full of details specific to them and their career. B ut every job search is framed by what we call parameters the boundaries that limit the job seekers search. Do you need to find a job in the same industry or city? Do you need to leave the area? Do you have three teenage children who need an afternoon chauffeur or do you need to deal with the fact that you didnt finish college?By reading the personal stories of Newman, Rosmarin and others, you can identify where your parameters align with the subjects. You can judge how their decisions might impact your job search and you can apply the lessons of their job search to your own. You can follow their lead or avoid their mistakes.Use stories like these as lessons in job search tactics.
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